17 November 2007

I'm up! I'm moving!

Well, just one final little bit of admin shit left to take care of on Monday, and Tuesday I leave for Milwaukee MEPS!

I'm gonna have to jump through some serious hoops, but I think that I should be able to leave for MOB site with the battalion before the end of this month.

Will be really weird to re-enlist on my birthday, miss my VFW post meeting and leave for Iraq the next week.

Trying to convince Household-6 to let me get a new laptop and camera to try and document this next deployment better than my first one.

I've always wanted to be a professional photographer. Maybe work for National Geographic or the AP or something like that.

Anyways, I'll keep you all (like there is ANYONE even reading this!) up to speed as to how things go for me at MEPS.

Hopefully, next time I post, I'll truly be JawBreaker 2 Delta once more!

Until then....

JB2D out.


Kat said...

Yup. We're still out here. Good luck, stay safe, come back with lots of stories.

Anonymous said...

Yes sir, still reading!